Tuesday, 10 June 2008


Yesterday I came back from a lovely weekend away in Haworth at the Bronte Society AGM weekend (more on this another day). I spent most of yesterday and all of this morning frantically trying to catch up with marking to meet an exam board deadline this afternoon. I had too little sleep last night and I have drunk far too much caffeinated coffee today as a consequence of the two previous problems. I also had to finish all of the associated exam admininstration with my colleague who Worries Too Much and get back into town to go food shopping (both for me and the Little Dog) before the shops closed and then get home before the Little Dog needed to go for a walk.

I managed to do all of these things. I'm not telling you this to elicit congratulations. I'm telling you this because it turns out that this particular combination of events and activites (along with a strawberry tart for lunch) makes me just a little crazy. Luckily a walk in the sunshine by the canal with the Little Dog and a quiet evening of detectives on TV seems to have stopped the buzzing.

I'm back on decaf tomorrow...

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