Tuesday, 29 July 2008

A Plea from a Pedestrian

I don't drive. I had lessons a long time ago. I hated it and I gave it up. I plan to learn again one day (this is one of those very vague at some unspecified distance from now, 'one day's), but for the moment, I am predominantly pedestrian or a public transport user. I have already posted about the joys of using public transport. Today I want to make a polite request to road users from a pedestrian.

When the traffic is busy, you know you have to use indicators to indicate that you intend to take a particular road at a junction (having travelled in cars, I know that not all of you actually do this, but you should, and you know you should). However, some of you feel that this is not necessary when only pedestrians are anywhere near. There are no other vehicles, so you choose not to indicate your intentions because no one else needs to know where you are going.

Well, that's not true.

I need to know where you are going if I am trying to cross a road. Any pedestrian needs to know where you are going so that they can make a sensible judgement as to whether to step into the road. If you don't tell me you are turning up that road, and I step into it, it is your fault if I am in your way. It is not my fault. I think - reasonably so, because by not indicating a turn you implicitly indicate to me that you are not turning that way - that you are not turning up that road. Equally, if I am trying to cross the road you are already on, and you don't indicate but then turn off anyway, I have lost an opportunity to cross a potentially busy road safely whilst you are holding up the traffic. In the rain, or if I'm in a hurry, this is extremely annoying.

It would be much less stressful, and much safer for all of us - drivers and pedestrians alike - if you drivers always indicate your intentions at junctions.


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