Thursday, 27 December 2007

Avoidance tactics...

Like September Blue, I'm having my VIVA soon. Very soon (under a fortnight, in fact). And I'm worried.

I mean, my supervisor did not read the final version of all the chapters. I'm not even sure if he read the final version of any of the chapters. The thesis was finished in a hurry - so hurried that I actually don't know what my conclusion says.

I do know that the thesis has some items missing from the bibliography. And a page of abbreviations missing from the front. And I have barely opened it since I submitted it. I dread to think what little cringe-worthy gems of stupidity I'll find when I actually read it.

And that, I think, is why I have spent most of today saying I'm going to do some work, but not actually doing any. That could be why I'm here, posting, now. My family is watching Christmas present DVDs in the living room, because that's what you do in the Christmas holidays. But I am not, because I have work to do, and to watch DVDs is to deliberately not work.

To sit next to one's thesis, blogging and worrying, well.... it's not work, but it's closer than animated movies...


September Blue said...

I've got to page 12 of mine, just re-reading. It took two hours. Argh.

(I think the only final versions my supervisor saw were chapter 4 and the introduction, which casts her 'oh, don't worry! It's FINE!' reassurances into doubt a little bit. Maybe it WAS fine, and I have since wrecked it.)

Autumn Song said...

I've since found other things to do to continue thesis avoidance. It can't continue though.

The question is, are your first 12 pages good???? :)

September Blue said...

No! Or so I thought at first. I beat myself up over every single sentence, thinking I could have written it differently and better, before giving myself a stern talking-to and tackling the rest of the introduction. I'm taking down notes of potential issues the examiners might have with it as I go, which is strangely therapeutic, as it channels my inner critic into doing something constructive and frees the rest of my mind to notice the stuff I'm happy with. Which, it turns out, there is quite a bit of... maybe I shouldn't be so terrified after all.

ThePhDLitChick said...

I have complete faith in your abilities - you'll be absolutely fine I'm certain of it. I will be thinking of you and crossing whatever I can cross though. But I'll be away (in the Canary Islands) so I'll be unable to offer my support in person. I'll telepathically send it instead! x

Autumn Song said...

Thanks! Moral support from a distance is just as good...

Oooh, Canary Islands! Have fun.

September Blue said...

Also, I got a text from you which my phone won't let me see (it says 'Incomplete message!' which I feel is my call rather than its to make, really). If viva panic is overwhelming you, I'm around on MSN to share the screaming jibjabs with.

The Shrink of Virtue said...

I am also avoiding work. So much so i have started a new blog on here to rant about it. Anyway i am CERTAIN through my spooky psychic powers and abject faith in your abilities that your PhD was excellent and you will do just as well in your Viva. Best of luck.